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Container Handling Equipment
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The latest generation of Shipping Container lifting equipment builds on many years of development work and close partnership with the demand from operators.
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Here we will create a data base of Shipping Container handling equipment suppliers, from empty and loaded lifters to, forklift trucks and manual handling equipment.

Remember to check out our classified adverts for a lot of companies who can assist.

Knowledge is vital, especially when operating materials handling equipment. In fact, did you know that anyone operating a powered fork lift truck is required to be certified?

It is required by the Health and Safety Act in the UK to comply.

Its a legal requirement under Health Safety Law; that Employers ensure all persons are suitably trained. And given information, instruction, training and supervision.

POWER Regulations 1998, Regulation 9 stipulates that Employers must ensure no persons operates or uses work equipment unless they have been suitably and adequately trained by an accredited instructor to an accredited standard.

The possibility of financial loss due to none awareness and the possibility of not understanding stakeholder requirements which might be perceived as negligence.

Health and Safety regulations state "The employer shall ensure that each powered industrial truck operator is competent to operate a powered industrial truck safely, as demonstrated by the successful completion of training and evaluation, the RTITB can assist in this area.

Employers are also required to develop and implement a training program based on the general principles of safe truck operation, the types of vehicle(s) being used in the workplace, the hazards of the workplace created by the use of the vehicle(s), and the general safety requirements of the HSE.

A properly trained lift truck operator can help;
>Reduce Lift Truck Downtime
>Limit Lost-Time Injuries
>Improve Driver Efficiency
>Minimize Product Damage and Accidents
>Improve Your Company's Bottom Line
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